Chalk us up to the one of those families that is breaking tradition and not buying boxes and boxes of Christmas cards to put in the mail. One day I will. I promise. I actually love doing Christmas cards. But it isn't in the Dave Ramsey least this year. :)
Some of you read my blog and may not want to rehash through our whole year. But for those of you who we haven't kept up with as well, this is a good review of what is up in our lives. The good news is that with a blog newsletter, there is no need to limit my writing to the front and back of a page. The bad news is that with a blog newsletter, there is no need to limit my writing to the front and back of a I'm afraid this is a bit long.
We have continued our annual enrollment in God's Character Building Program. We know He is preparing us for something, though we may not know what until heaven. But we are at peace with what He is doing and grateful for the continual stirring in our hearts. We're learning to embrace the joy of the journey instead of always looking for the end results.
So let's start with Clayton. Clayton is now in 7th grade at Lakes Magnet Middle School, a magnet school for science, health, and the arts. He is really enjoying school this year. He has rotated through magnet classes of Stomp and golf/tennis/bowling and will start beginning guitar soon.
Clayton has also gotten very creative and business minded this year. A friend gave him a pile of nylon string to make bracelets with. Friends at school started asking about them. He saved up his money and bought and arsenal of string in all colors and set up shop. He comes home almost everyday with new orders and a pocket of money.
We host a CDY (Christ Driven Youth), 7th grade boys, small group in our home every Monday. We've loved meeting Clayton's friends and being a part of their discipleship process. Clayton is also involved in leadership for CDY. Last year, we were planning on he (and possibly I) heading to Mexico with his discipleship group. But drug cartel activity in the area they were headed, caused the church to feel it necessary to cancel the trip. However, he headed to the Silver Valley instead with about 50 other kids. They spent their days serving hurting people in the community: chopping wood, painting houses, hauling trash, repairing porches, mowing, etc. They spent their evenings in Bible study and fellowship while camping out in one of the local High Schools. They also helped our church plant in Pinehurst host a block party for the community by manning game booths for the kids.

Clayton is definitely our music and technology dude. He has developed a growth that attaches his ear to his palm, called an I-touch. Hesaved up for with his own money and has figured out how to text, chat, and even i-Call people from it as long as he has an internet connection. He made the leap this year and cut off his long curls - 7 inches worth! He reminds us occasionally, that he can get his driver's permit in two years - and a job at Papa Murphy's.
Riley just turned 10! He is in fourth grade at Sorensen Magnet School for the Arts and Humanities. His teacher, Mr. Vaughn, is the father of three boys and has served in Iraq. You couldn't have given Riley a more perfect teacher for this year (unless you moved Mrs. Marshall to fourth grade). In fourth grade, at Sorensen, students are encouraged to pick a magnet course to focus on. Riley has chosen African drumming. He bangs on everything everywhere all the time. We have a small djembe, but he was thrilled to check out a large one from school for Christmas break.
Drumming with Uncle Anthony was a highlight of Christmas. He also got a snare for Christmas. Riley loves to play the piano by ear, though he still refuses lessons. He amazes us with the tunes and chord progressions he comes up with. Riley is in a Breakout Discipleship group with fourth grade boys at our church. He continues to be our passionate child. He puts his whole heart and body into everything he does. We see a future in worship leading in him.
Ian (age 7) belongs in Hollywood - though I don't really want him there. He is our super comic. We can see him doing the next Dennis the Menace movie or something of that sort. Ian also puts his whole heart and body into whatever he chooses to do. He is an avid skateboarder, knows all the terms, and several tricks. He's a tiny guy for his age, so always turns heads at the skate park with his "skill." Ian is in second grade at Sorensen and loves Mrs. V. Ian is perfecting his skills of juggling while globing, memorizing vast amounts of useless Marvel trivia, and learning some piano. He is also finally learning to love to read -thanks to Flat Stanley!
Ian is in a Kid's Quest Discipleship group. He asked Jesus into his heart this summer and was baptized in the Cascade Reservoir by his Papa Dan!
Ian and Hayden - peas in a pod!
Hayden helping with yard work.
Hayden (age 6) is in afternoon kindergarten at Sorensen. He loves spending his mornings at home with mom by himself and then going to the big brothers' school. He is definitely our most sensitive child, and has probably doubled the amount of freckles on his cute little face this year. Hayden isn't afraid to try much of what his brothers can do and will challenge any of them to a wrestling match. Much to his Uncle Taylor and brother Ian's horror. He has developed a love for Imaginext Batman toys. (DC and Marvel are not friends.)Hayden is also in Kid's Quest. Hayden loves to love people. He brings smiles to my face daily with his question, "Who's my favorite girl?" Which of course is his mom. :)
Well, to tell about Bill's year, we may have to back up a bit and fill a few people in. In the summer of 2008, Bill woke up one morning, without any feeling in his left leg from the middle of his calf down. This meant no movement or lift in his foot. After being bounced from chiropractor to neurologist to MD to plastic surgeon to orthopedic surgeon, a large cyst was finally discovered in his leg. The cyst had split his peroneal nerve, was growing in and around the nerve and had severely damaged the nerve. The doctor was afraid it was cancer, but Praise God - it was not! The nerve slowly healed, and Bill slowly regained the use of his foot. Since he was seasonally laid off last winter, we shipped Bill off to Phoenix for a month to golf and pass some playing tests that he needed for PGA certifications. He came home with another large cyst in his leg. So in March, he had a six inch long cyst removed. This one was not as fingered and had not caused any further nerve damage. Less than two months later, he had another one. Since golf season had already started, Bill tried to put off surgery as long as he could. He finally had it removed at the end of September. This time, he went into surgery with good function in his leg and came out with again, no feeling in his lower leg or function in his foot. The surgeon removed part of his joint this time, really hoping that will stop any further fluid leakage that is causing the cyst. As of now, he still doesn't have any movement of feeling in his lower left leg or foot.
Shock Therapy
Scar x 3
We are grateful that he is able to walk. However, he cannot golf - or run or hike or lots of other things he is used to doing. That has left this season's layoff a bit more challenging, but Bill has stepped up to the challenge and is learning to sit at a desk for 40 hours a week. Bill has been prayed over and prayed for over and over again, and God has chosen not to heal at this time. We really sense God is using it as a way to direct, and we are waiting on that direction. We don't know if he will be able to continue anything in golf, so have suspended any efforts towards his PGA certification.
Bill spent last season at The Club at Black Rock, about 30 minutes south of Coeur d'Alene. It was a new experience for him. One of the highlights was reconnecting with a pro that Bill spent some time with last winter in Phoenix, Craig Hocknull. Our families became fast friends.
Bill and Craig started a business together: Coeur d'Alene Golf Club Repair. If they weren't at the course, they were in our barn working on clubs.

4th of July Fireworks with the Hocknulls
Twins? Hayden and Hugh Hocknull
Laura and the boys came up for a few weeks, and we thoroughly enjoyed being golf widows together and hitting the town with our troop of seven boys. It was the first time, I really had the chance to sit down with another golf pro wife and really hash through the issues of...well, being a golf pro's wife. :) We are very grateful for the Hocknulls and their friendship!
Angela - that's me! :) Because of all the layoffs and surgeries around here, I went back to work full time in September of 2008. God provided a job that was a perfect fit for me at Mom 4 Life, a boutique of exclusively mom invented items geared toward that maternity, baby, and toddler years. I've been able to work from the house for the last year and am able to be home with Hayden in the morning. Bill and I are thoroughly enjoying our current season of working the same days and the same hours! We have so much more time together and as a family.
Of course, working full time, has meant going from volunteering countless hours in MOPs, to not even being able to participate in any daytime womens' ministries. It has been a tough transition for me. Everyday, I breathe my heartfelt prayers to the Lord to know what He has in mind. In the meantime, I'm spending time with moms one on one over coffee when I can and praying with others over the phone. I have begun a simple website to encourage moms with young children in their pursuit of Christ. It is based on Isaiah 40:11, where the Lord says He gently leads those who have young. You can check it out here and tell your mom friends! Adding a job to my other jobs of wife and mom have meant that I haven't made any progress at all in my desire to write, and again, I give that to God everyday and am learning to trust Him with my hopes.
We are more in love with our church every week. Our hearts are continually being challenged to see things God's way. Real Life has begun the efforts to start church plant number five. Adding North Spokane to Newport, WA; Pinehurst, ID; Boise, ID; and Spokane Valley. We are a part of the main campus in Post Falls, ID.
Singing in a men's quartet
Bill has recently begun serving on the Executive Music Team, and is loving using his gifts to help plan worship and lead choir once again...and I must admit, that I love watching him in action. I help with our Fast Pass security system, registering new families, which combines my love for welcoming people to a new church with my love for being a bit techie and administrative. :) We are also in a home group a block away and love our little family of prayer support and accountability.
Almost all 18 Gifford Grandkids
Other family highlights from the year would be renting a mini-van last year (right at this time) and driving to Arkansas for a Gifford family Christmas.

Bill's sister Jana, married her long-time love, Jackie.
We enjoyed a short camping trip with our dear friends, the Prescotts.
I was also able to take the kids to the Oregon coast for an afternoon while spending time with my parents in Springfield. Ian and Hayden had never been to the ocean, and none of the kids had ever been to the Pacific.
My brother Taylor surprised us this year by falling in love. He and Ashley will be getting married in July. They are a perfect match, and we are thrilled to have her join the family.

My brother Jonathan and his wife, Michelle, surprised us this year by having a baby! Audrey is the first little girl in our family since me!! We are all enjoying buying lots of pink and having a princess to oogle over.
All in all, this has been a year reflective of Daniel 3 and Habakkuk 3. We know Who our God is. We know what He is able to do. He can heal Bill's leg today. He could open up a better job for him or restore his ability to golf. He could remove my obstacles to writing and make it possible for me to invest my time there - but even if He doesn't, we will keep serving, keep trusting, keep following. When we run out of resources, we will still praise Him. He is still in charge, and His plan is still best!
We love to keep in touch with our friends. You can find us both on Facebook (Bill Gifford and Angela Brandel Gifford). You can find Those With Young on Twitter and keep up with our family a bit at Angela's Musings.
Thanks to all of you, who still patiently send us Christmas cards! We love hearing from you, and hope to hear from the rest of you soon!
Bill, Angela, Clayton, Riley, Ian and Hayden Gifford
Bill - 208-755-9157
Angela - 208-755-9153
P.O. Box 1084, Hayden, ID 83835