Thursday, December 16, 2010


Merry Christmas!

Its time once again for that annual "brag" letter!....and I have some bragging to do on God this year!

He does stuff like this:

and this

and this

and this

....and everything else I write about here.....He did.

We have had an amazing year of watching God work and move among His people....and at this time of year when we celebrate Him first coming to earth, I can't help but long for His second coming. I'm sometimes amazed each year as I sit down to write, that we're still here another year!

Then I'd like to brag on how God is growing
Hayden, age 7

Hayden is enjoying first grade and making great progress with reading.

He totally loves to worship God with his "guitar" and his voice.

Hayden never lacks for friends. I'm pretty sure he has the busiest social calendar in the house, full of play dates and birthday parties. He's a good friend to all, and super concerned about not hurting anyone's feelings.

...and I'd like to brag on how God is growing 
Ian, age 8

Our little "old soul" .... completely dramatic....always keeping us in stitches...

...getting really good on the skateboard.

....and always the first to volunteer to help dad work.

....and God is growing 
Riley, age 11

....who can turn anything into a musical instrument and has dance moves like you've never seen.

....who's agility and skill continually amazes us.

...who was a top seller in his school's coupon book sales this year, and earned himself a Netbook! 

...who is mom's top kitchen helper.

....and God is growing 
Clayton, age 13

....who is almost eye to eye with his mom.

...who has found his place of service at church 

and lots of ways to use his gifts through media (see his youtube channel here).

and learning new ways to use his energy.

...and then there is Bill, and I can't brag on him enough!

This is the man who faced yet another lay off last year and took a job that wasn't his favorite, just to pay the bills. This is the man that was faithful in that job and stuck with it. This is the man that God promoted to the Leadership and Development department his company. This is the man who now outwizzes me when it comes to most things financial. That is God!

This is the man who is constantly brain storming how he can grow and prosper his small, debt-free golf club building and repair business.

This is the man God gave me almost 15 years ago, who is still patiently trying to figure me out.

This is the man that I love.

....and wow!  What work God has been doing in me.
I don't have a lot to share about me this year, because I've given a good way....and am kind of just taking some time to let God reprogram me to only hear Him and only do what He asks and quit coming up with my own agendas all the time (you can read more about that journey here).....and of course I'm still wife, mom, and full time employee.

So what has God been doing in your lives this year? I love to hear people brag on Him!

Merry Christmas!
The Gifford Family